Less beef, more life!

Less beef, more life!

March 22, 2023

If you want to improve your environmental impact and your health but you don’t feel like becoming vegetarian, chicken could be a good option for you :

  1. Lower fat content: Chicken tends to have less fat than beef, particularly saturated fat. This make it a healthier option for people who are concerned about their cholesterol levels and overall cardiovascular health.
  2. Life expectancy increased: a recent study made by researchers at University of Bergen shows that cutting red meat and transformed meat from your diet can increase your life expectancy by up to 1.9 years.
  3. Lower environmental impact: Raising chickens for meat generally requires fewer resources, such as land and water, than raising cows for beef. Additionally, the production of beef is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, whereas chicken production has a lower environmental impact.
# beef # flexitarian # environmental impact # meat # carbon footprint