Healthy eating tip : swap from flavoured yoghurt to plain yoghurt with fresh fruits!

Healthy eating tip : swap from flavoured yoghurt to plain yoghurt with fresh fruits!

June 06, 2023

Eating unsweetened plain yoghurt with fresh fruits is an healthier choice compared to fruit-flavoured yoghurts

  1. Added Sugar: Fruit-flavoured yoghurt typically contains a significant amount of added sugar to enhance their taste. Excessive sugar consumption has been linked to various health issues, including weight gain, tooth decay, and an increased risk of chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Plain yoghurt, on the other hand, doesn’t contain added sugars and allows you to control the amount of sweetness by adding fresh fruits.
  2. Artificial Ingredients: Fruit-flavoured yoghurts often contain artificial flavours, colours, and preservatives to mimic the taste and appearance of real fruits. These additives may not provide the same nutritional benefits as fresh fruits and can have potential adverse effects on health in some individuals. Plain yoghurt paired with fresh fruits allows you to enjoy the natural flavours and benefits of real fruits without any artificial additives.
  3. Nutrient Content: Fresh fruits are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants, which offer numerous health benefits. When you mix fresh fruits with plain yoghurt, you retain the nutritional value of the fruits, making it a more nutritious choice compared to fruit-flavoured yoghurts. Fruit-flavoured yoghurt often have a lower fruit content and may not provide the same range of nutrients as real fruits.

Eating plain yoghourt with fresh fruits can also have some environmental advantages compared to fruit-flavoured yoghurts, although the overall impact depends on various factors:

  1. Packaging: Fruit-flavoured yoghurt often come in individual single-serve containers, which can generate a significant amount of plastic waste. On the other hand, when you buy plain yoghurt in larger containers, you can reduce packaging waste by scooping out the desired amount each time. Additionally, using fresh fruits allows you to avoid the packaging waste associated with pre-packaged fruit-flavoured yoghurt.
  2. Processing and Transportation: Fruit-flavoured yoghurt typically undergo additional processing steps to add artificial flavours, colours, and sweeteners. This processing requires energy and resources, contributing to the overall environmental footprint. Plain yoghurt, in its natural form, undergoes less processing and is generally made with fewer additives.
  3. Locally Sourced Fresh Fruits: If you choose to buy fresh fruits from local sources or farmers’ markets, it can reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation. By supporting local agriculture, you promote regional food systems and help reduce the environmental impact of long-distance transportation that is often required for processed fruit flavours used in yoghurt.
# healthy eating # fruit-flavoured yoghurt # healthy yoghurt # fruits